jueves, 25 de octubre de 2018

The best of the best

  This is very little of the things I like but is very recommended this:

 Is one the best films that I see, is my childhood,
see the dinosaurs on this island you can find them
 velociraptors, the brontosaurus, the triceratops,
Resultado de imagen para furafic farkand the famous t-rex.
This film is very interesting from seeing with
 children and in the family or with friends.

The history of this move is about of a man that creates a Jurassic Park with real dinosaurs, is very amazing that this man resurrect these bigs animals, but is not is all, this animals scape of your cage and this park turn of a nightmare from the visitants of the island, but the principal's characters survive and go to out of this place.

But are two movies of this and the two is very well.

Imagen relacionada

In this turn is a book, this book take my heart and my soul, is very sad but at the final, you see that the life of animals is very important in your life.

This book is about of a puppy that dies but revives in other life, is very sad because the humans are very cruel to the street animals,  but there are humans that love the animals and give the life for them. This puppy searches the reason for your life and is very difficult to find this, but with the help of peoples and other things find happy.

If you search cry this is a perfect book. 

                                      Resultado de imagen para a dog's purpose book

2 comentarios:

  1. I LIKE JURASSIC PARK I!!!!! and, I still can't read that book... I don't want to suffer :c


  2. I LOVE JURASSIC PARK! It's one of my favorite movies too!


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