jueves, 11 de octubre de 2018

The pets are the best

When I was a child I like everythings but I love to make earthen cakes with my friends and catch birds, my dream job was to be a chef or veterinary because I like animals.

But in my life I like the music, draw and many things, in the high school I wanna be an engineer or physics teacher, and others things, but I don't like this when seeing the jobs, but at the end, I decided to follow my dreams and study veterinary.

In university, I meet friends from high school and at once we talk was excellent meet friends that follow the same dream, but also knew new friends a little weird, but good. Farm world is a fun place and welcoming, my experience here is enchanting, I hope it goes on like this.

The kind of work I'd like to do would be in the field or where I can calmly take care of my patients.

6 comentarios:

  1. I also like field work, I love the field, it's good that you followed your dreams

  2. "Chef or veterinary because I like animals" I suppose that by that you mean you will specialize in production(? xD
    I wish you all the best, and I think that you will achieve your dreams!!!

  3. Is "are the best"!

    Write well! Write well or I'll kill you!


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