jueves, 6 de diciembre de 2018

My favorite career-related website

The link of this site that I like is https://www.avesdechile.cl/, In this site you can find birds of all chili, from endemic up to untranslated, which I am charmed with is that you can know of that they feed, his environment, in which site to find them and his taxonomy, that is to say in that family, order and group is located, also they can find singings, photos and records.
First you have to enter to search and introduce the bird for that you look, then only he enjoys of knowing other birds that were astonishing you.

Other one of the sites that I like it is genbank that treats on a seeker of virus, between others and serves for many other things, as for example projects of reports, between others.

If I had a site related to my serious career as Alan McFayden, he is a photographer that I extract the best, it began to extract photos from 2009, ride mas of 35 years seeing the wild life, it enters his works the following one is:

1 comentario:

  1. The websites you mentioned sound very interesting, and even though I did not know Alan, the picture you posted shows an impressive job!!!! :0


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